Terms of Reference

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Purpose of the job:

Plan, develop, control and coordinate all Estates functions including transport management of the University.

Duties and responsibilities;

  • Provide professional (technical) support and advise all stakeholders (in line with the University Strategic plan and Estate and Works policy.
  • Develop work targets of Estate and Works Departments per the Strategic Plan.
  • Produce reports to the Vice Chancellor on the activities of Housing and Works Committees.
  • Plan, budget and account for resources for the Directorate
  • Provide Secretarial services to the Housing and Woks Committees.
  • Overall controller of maintenance and upkeep of plant
  • Supervise capital projects.
  • Overall co-coordinator of the execution of works (Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical).
  • Responsible for the overall internal audit function.
  • He/She gives overall direction to the Directorate, establishes/implements audit planning processes, provides auditing policies and procedures, provides overall leadership to the Internal Audit Directorate, coordinates audit work with external auditors, and establishes an audit quality assurance programme.
  • The Director also provides Secretariat to the Audit Committee of Council.
  • The Director Internal Audit reports to Council through the Audit Committee of Council.


To set, monitor, evaluate and advise on matters of quality assurance standards in all functional areas of the University.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • To initiate, develop and implement quality assurance policies and guidelines.
  • To provide technical guidance on quality assurance matters.
  • To co-ordinate and monitor performance on quality assurance activities in all University functional areas.
  • To develop a framework for analysis of quality assurance in the University.
  • To enhance processes of academic quality assurance and relevance of performance standards in all aspects and functions of the University.
  • To develop and periodically update quality assurance operational manual to guide the University performance.
  • To ensure the development and maintenance of high quality academic programmes.
  • To enhance Quality Experiential and Flexible learning
  • To develop mechanisms to motivate high quality and competitive research work.
  • To ensure effective external examination system. 
  • To ensure an effective staff recruitment, development and appraisal system.
  • To ensure a high quality support environment for staff and students for effective teaching, learning, research and knowledge transfer partnerships
  • To contribute to the formulation of the University’s quality assurance enhancement policies and practices


Responsible for the development, control, management, and coordination of all library and information services at the University.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Develop and implement annual activity plans and budgets as well as monitor and review performance against set targets and objectives.
  • Oversee the maintenance of information resources through an effective cataloguing and classification system.
  • Coordinate the development of well-stocked and continually updated libraries in order to facilitate proper functioning of the University.
  • Monitor and review the performance of the libraries and make recommendations that will ensure the achievement of goals and objectives, particularly regarding maintaining international academic and professional standards.
  • Coordinate the acquisition and proper maintenance of books, serial publications, documents, audio-visual materials, electronic resources, computer discs as well as other academic publications, equipment and information technology for all the libraries in the University.
  • Receive complimentary copies of books, publications and new acquisitions and pass them on to the relevant departments for distributing to specified lecturers.
  • Coordinate annual stocktaking exercise in order to conduct proper audit and accountability of all acquisitions in the library.
  • Assess training needs, develop and implement on-the- job training programmes aimed at equipping library staff and users with the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and
  • Work closely with the donor organizations and strategic partners to ensure continuing support in the acquisition of information resources as well as the development of library
  • Develop and implement an effective knowledge organization system in order to ensure rapid access and retrieval of information.
  • Supervise and evaluate the performance of library staff against set targets and take corrective action whenever performance improvement is required.

Provide leadership to all matters relating to students welfare and discipline.

Duties and responsibilities;

  • Organise and control halls of residence and all matters related to accommodation of both resident and non-resident students
  • Supervise the hall wardens
  • Enforce rules and regulations of the University and all matters related to students’ discipline.
  • Establish and monitor channels of communication in regards to student welfare and suggestions with the view of giving students the necessary advice.
  • Oversee the operations of the students’ guild and offer appropriate advice and guidance.
  • Advise on students publications and ensure that they conform to the acceptable standards.
  • Oversee the organisation and running of sports and games with the assistance of games tutors.
  • Prepare annual estimates and expenditure of halls of residence, sports and games all entertainments and special
  • College requirements for submission to the finance committee
  • Oversee all matters related to students’ health and discipline.
  • Work with the counseling Centre with the view of giving students the appropriate advice.
  • Oversee the organization and arrangement of the places of worship
  • Any other related duties as assigned by the Vice Chancellor.

Purpose of the job:

Provide overall management and coordination of ICT services and University support Systems.

 Duties and responsibilities:

  • Provide overall leadership and direction to the department.
  • Oversee the implementation of all ICT projects within a coordinated operational plan in accordance with the University Strategic plan.
  • Coordinate project proposals to secure funding for the University.
  • Co-ordinate the production of the Department’s work plan and budget for ICT functions, processes and activities in line with the University’s Strategic Plan and Budget.
  • Initiate, implement, and review ICT Policy (s) in line with the University’s Strategic Plan.
  • Provide secretariat services to the relevant ICT committees of the University
  • Guide the functions and operations of the establishment and maintenance of the physical network infrastructure.
  • Link the ICT functions to both National and International Universities and organizations in line with the University’s Strategic Plan.
  • Supervise the functions and operations of the information systems, database management, network management, planning and maintenance, security management and end user support.
  • Prepare and oversee compliance and implementation of the ICT service level agreements in liaison with the prequalified contractors.
  • Supervise and appraise staff in the department in line with the HR policy.
  • Guide the development of the security and disaster recovery policies and procedures and supervise their implementation.
  • Perform any other relevant duties assigned by the immediate supervisor.


Provide Leadership to Academic Registrar’s Department in all matters of Admissions, Registration of undergraduate and postgraduate students and examination, research and Publications

Duties and responsibilities

  • Provide Secretarial services to the Senate and its Committees
  •  Co-ordinate with other Universities and Inter-University bodies on Academic matters
  • Supervise the production of Academic Transcripts and Certificates;
  • Budget and account for financial resources of the department
  • Conduct elections of Principals /Deputies / Deans / Directors / Heads of Academic  Departments,
  • Co-ordinate the activities of Academic Ceremonies such as graduation,
  • Link the University with other Academic Institutions and Organizations  or professional bodies such as National Council for Higher Education in academic matters,
  • Secretary to the University Convocation
  • Co-ordinate the vetting of Publications of Senior Academic Staff for Appointments and Promotional purposes,
  • Co-ordinate the review of academic programs
  • Coordinate management of all university  examination processes, regulations & syllabuses


The university Bursar shall be responsible for the financial administration and planning of the University and shall maintain the Accounts in a form determined by the University Council.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Financial administration, planning and budgeting
  • Overseeing management of Income, expenditure, stores and assets of the University.
  • Setting budget priorities and assess budget proposals for their coherence with the strategic goals of the University
  • Maintaining of sound financial accounting system, records keeping and internal controls
  • Coordination with external Auditors and enabling the external audit process
  • Promotion of financial communication among units of the University
  • Effectively coordinating the implementation of Donor funded projects
  • Provide guidance to the strategic planning and development of the University
  • Initiating and coordinating the preparation and production of long and short term corporate plans
  • Overseeing, reviewing and coordinating the implementation of the overall investment strategy of the University
  • Providing a monitoring and measurement program which will permit evaluation of the performance of the Investment Managers  and Financial Managers
  • Any other duties as may be assigned by the Vice Chancellor


Spearhead all the activities to mainstream gender in Makerere University.

Duties and responsibilities;

  • Oversee the implementation of Gender policy in Makerere University
  • Oversee strategic planning, budgeting, implementation, accountability of the Gender mainstreaming programmes
  • Manage the Human Resources and general administration of the Department
  • Appraise, develop and mentor staff of Unit.
  • Develop, implement and review systems and procedures for effective operational management of the Unit.
  • Implement the resource mobilization, development and sustainability strategy of the Unit.
  • Develop and implement M & E framework of the Unit.
  • Provide annual financial and administrative reports of the Unit.
  • Review and update Makerere University Gender policy
  • Provide secretarial services to the University Gender mainstreaming Committee
  • Represent the Gender mainstreaming Department at strategic level at Makerere University and beyond.
  • Any other duties related duties as assigned by the Vice – Chancellor.

In Part VIII Section 31 of The Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, Act 6 of 2001, it is amended that;

(1) There shall be a Vice Chancellor for each Public University who shall: (a) be responsible for the academic, administrative and financial affairs of the university; and (b) in the absence of the Chancellor, preside at ceremonial assemblies of the University and confer degrees and other academic titles and distinctions of the University.

(2) The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the University Council from among three candidates recommended by the Senate.

(3) A search committee composed of two members from the University Council and three members from the University Senate shall identify suitable candidates for the post of the Vice-Chancellor and forward them to the Senate to nominate three candidates for recommendation to the University Council.

(4) The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed on terms and conditions determined by the University Council for five years and shall be eligible for re-appointment for one more term.