Quality Assurance, Gender and ICT Committee

Members of Quality Assurance, Gender and ICT Committee
No. Name Representation Position on Committee
1. Assoc. Prof. Sarah Ssali University Senate Chairperson
2. Prof. Mukadasi Buyinza Deputy Vice Chancellor - Academic Affairs Ex-Official
3. Prof. Rhoda Wanyenze Senate Representative Member
4. Dr. Helen Nabalirwa Nkabala MUASA Representative Member
5. Prof. Henry Alinaitwe Deputy Vice Chancellor F&A Ex-Official
6. Mr. Bruce Balaba Kabaasa Council Appointee Member
7. Mr. George Turyamureeba Makerere University Convocation Member
8. Vice Guild President Students Representative Member
9. Prof. Rhoda Wanyenze Senate Representative Member
10. Dr. James L. Nkata Council Appointee Member
11. Mr. Amon Muteganda Staff with Disabilites Member

The Committee handles the cross-cutting issues of quality assurance, gender and promotion of Information Communication Technologies