Council Committees

Council may from time to time establish Council committees to assist in the governance of the University. Each Committee shall have Council approved terms of reference defining its purpose, role and responsibilities as well as the committee membership, operational and reporting requirements. Where appropriate, the Committee will make recommendations to the Council. Committees are not to take action or make decisions on behalf of the Council unless specifically mandated by prior Council authority to do so.

 Council may from time to time appoint a member of a committee to be Chair of that committee. In the absence of a Chairperson of a committee, the members present and constituting a quorum shall elect a temporary Chairperson from among themselves. Where no specific Chairperson is appointment for a committee, the Chairperson of the Council shall be the Chairperson of that committee.
 A Council committee may, with the approval of Council, establish such subcommittees as it deems necessary or desirable for it to carry out its functions. Unless otherwise specified the Chairperson and the Vice-Chancellor shall, by virtue of their offices, be ex officio members of each committee appointed by Council.

  1. Legal, Rules and Privileges Committe
  2. Quality Assurance and Gender Committee
  3. Appointments Board
  4. Finance, Planning, Administration and Investment Committee
  5. Estates and Works Committee
  6. ICT Committee
  7. Audit Committee
  8. Staff Development, Welfare and Retirement Benefits Comittee
  9. Student Affairs Committee